Pricing Packages

Whether you need someone to audit your completed manuscript or assistance to finish your book, we’ve got the package that will suit your needs.

Glowing Book

THE BONES: Building the Foundation of Story helps writers find the heart of their story. If you are consistently receiving rejection letters with responses such as… I didn’t connect with the story on a deep level; I didn’t find myself drawn into the story; While your voice is compelling, the narrator’s voice felt melodramatic, then this is the package for you.

$499 one-time payment

With this package

You will find the hidden secrets locked in the corner on your brain by completing an in-depth Workbook that gets you thinking outside the box and allows you to dive deeper into the point of your story, your character’s deepest desire, what keeps them from receiving that desire, and the why of it all.

Writer Takeaways

  • A comprehensive understanding of Story
  • The importance of narrative drive
  • Cause and Effect trajectory
  • Starting in the action
  • World Building Techniques
  • How your story starts and where it ends
  • Weekly deadlines
  • An six-week commitment
  • Two, 45-minute coaching calls
Magician Hand

ABRACADABRA! Stand Out From the Crowd: is a full and comprehensive analysis of the story’s organic development throughout the manuscript. If you are receiving rejections such as… Didn’t pique my interest; We are not enthusiastic enough about this work; Isn’t something we’d like to pursue; Close, but not quite; Revise & Resubmit; or no response at all. Find out where your manuscript falls short with traditional agents/ publishers.

$0.03/ per word
Min. 40K Words Per Manuscript

Writer Takeaways

  • A full and comprehensive analysis of your manuscript
  • 2-3 page editorial letter focusing on your first ten pages
  • A 6-10 page developmental letter, focusing on the overall story structure
  • Generous written inline comments throughout your manuscript
  • A 60-minute Coaching Call
Man Worshiping

THE END IS UPON US! (Find Your Place in the World): You’ve completed your manuscript and are ready to pitch to agents. This should be an exciting time but once again your rejections are piling up, stating, Not quite a right fit; Not quite right for our publication; Not suitable for us; No room for more clients, or no response at all. Let me help you refine your first ten pages, create an eye-catching query, and a powerful synopsis suitable for the right literary agents.

$1500 one-time payment

Writer Takeaways

  • A Comprehensive Pitch Strategy
  • Up to 6 edits of your query letter
  • Up to 6 edits of your synopsis letter
  • Up to 3 edits of your first ten pages
  • 15 – 30 Agents/ Publishers List specifically tailored to your story
  • A 60 minute Coaching Call
  • Confidence moving into the pitching process
Medieval Steel Armor

FIRE! is a pay-as-you-go writing forward plan that gives direct feedback with each submission and helps correct vital scenes within your manuscript. This is a great approach once we’ve completed the Manuscript Audit, or The Bones. We’ll pinpoint where scenes are falling short for publication. You have the option of writing 10 fresh pages per week, or revise 10 plus 10 fresh forward pages. You are the Master of your Writing Schedule.

$15/ page

Writer Takeaways

  • One 30 Minute Kickoff Call
  • Generous written inline comments
  • Editorial letter of what works, what doesn’t, and where to go next with each submission
  • 45 minute Coaching Call per Month

*All submitted pages must follow standard submission requirements: Roman Times, 12 pt font, double spaced

Wizard Casting Spell

Get in Touch with Us Today

For more information about our pricing packages, reach out to us today. We are looking forward to hearing from you.