Unleash Your Writing Potential with a Certified Book Coach

Woman Wearing Red

About Rebecca A. Dolence, Certified Author Accelerator Book Coach

Rebecca A. Dolence is a Certified Author Accelerator Book Coach, writer, and member of the SCBWI. Her passion lies in serving fiction writers who are serious about investing in their writing success. With a proven track record and personalized writing methods, Rebecca helps writers bring their stories out of their heads and onto paper with confidence and purpose.

What is a Certified Book Coach?

A Certified Book Coach plays a pivotal role for writers, much like a sports coach, exercise instructor, music instructor, or astrophysicist teaching calculus. We possess not only a strong foundation in our area of expertise but also the ability to teach and cater to learners in unique ways. As professionally trained individuals, our goal is to see your potential and guide you toward success.

Big Magical Book

The Role of a Certified Book Coach

A Certified Book Coach:

  • Helps You Find Your Voice
  • Provides Ongoing Improvement
  • Acts as a Sounding Board for Creative Ideas
  • Serves As an Independent Expert
  • Establishes a Strong Foundation for Your Story
  • Balances Attention to Details and the Big Picture
  • Understands the Marketplace
  • Is Self-Motivated
  • Acts As a Committed Partner
  • Provides Honest and Constructive Feedback

Coaching for Speculative Fiction Writers

At RAD Notes Book Coaching, we specialize in coaching speculative fiction writers, particularly those with a Young Adult and Middle School audience. Whether you’re writing fantasy, horror, dystopia, apocalyptic, magical realism, alternate history, or fairy tales, we are here to support you. We seek writers who have a passion for words and who are open to feedback, understanding that characters are the essential chord that keeps readers engaged.

Magical Glowing Orb

What You Can Expect from RAD Notes Book Coaching

We guarantee an exceptional coaching experience that will help you unleash the writer within you. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Honest feedback that pushes you to dive deeper into your story
  • Fresh perspectives that challenge your thinking
  • Blunt yet supportive feedback throughout the writing process
  • A toolbox of writing techniques to enhance your storytelling
  • Open lines of communication
  • Engaging homework assignments
  • Strict deadlines to keep you accountable and motivated
  • Recognition that writing is no easy task, but with dedication and guidance, you can achieve your goals

Coaching for Writers at Every Stage

Whether you’re just starting your writing journey or have already written extensively, our book coaching services are here to help. We understand the natural tendencies of writers to procrastinate and wrestle with imposter syndrome. Trust us to break through those barriers together so that we can make magic happen on the page. We believe in you and your writing potential.

Your Book, Your Success

Rest assured that your book will always remain yours. At RAD Notes Book Coaching, we are not here to steal your creations. Our only intention is to help you become a successful writer. Think of us as your cheerleaders, dedicated to helping you find the best version of yourself as a writer.

Classic Pen

Let's Connect

If you have any questions or want to learn more about our book coaching services, please feel free to contact us through email. We welcome the opportunity to chat and explore how we can support your writing journey.